Code Lyoko: Next Gen

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Uni Cosplays
Posts: 1
Joined: 24 May 2021, 15:12

Code Lyoko: Next Gen

Post by Uni Cosplays »

Hey Guys
I am currently writing a Code Lyoko based TV show script called Code Lyoko: Next-Gen
A basic summary is it is many years later after everyone has gone their separate ways, but they also had kids.
Their kids eventually find out what their parents did many years ago and find out that X.A.N.A has returned
Jeremy's Son and Daughter need to find a way to stop X.A.N.A, so they decide to do it just like their parents
They gather the next generation of the team and fight against X.A.N.A once more.
This is going to be live-action, and have plenty of elements from the original show to show respect to the gem that is Code Lyoko.
Anyways, I am in a dilemma. I can't think of names for the kids!
All I have is Odd's daughter named Odessy
I am thinking Jeremy's son be named Sebastion or Timothy.
Here is who I am looking for

Yumi and Ulrichs son and daughter
Odds Daughter (open for suggestions)
Jeremy and Aelita's son and daughter

SOS I would really appreciate as many suggestions as possible
Thank you!

:jeremie: :ulrichv: :aelitav: :oddv: :yumiv:

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